get_eurostat_raw.Rd. >>> import eurostat >>> toc_df = eurostat. get_toc_df >>> toc_df title data end 0 Database by themes 1 General and regional statistics 2 European and national indicators for short-ter.. 3 Business and consumer surveys (source: DG ECFIN) 4 Consumer surveys (source: DG ECFIN).. 9860 Enterprises that provided training to develop /..
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In many cases, for example, when mapping, it is useful to filter out national level data from NUTS2 level regional data, for example. 2014-1-1 EUROSTAT: Smuggling of Migrants Introduction. Migrant smuggling is a profitable business for criminal networks that exploit the desperation and vulnerability of migrants seeking to escape armed conflict, persecution and deprivation. Within Eurostat, GISCO is responsible for meeting the European Commission's geographical information needs at 3 levels: the European Union, its member countries, and its regions. What does GISCO do?
For contact information and source code, see the package website. This is the sixth and final piece in a series about the “Sus-tainability of (Open) Data Portal Infrastructures” reports. In this highlight, the focus is on “A Distributed Version Control Approach to Creating Portals for Reuse” Eurostat (European Statistical Office) is a Directorate-General of the European Commission located in the Kirchberg quarter of Luxembourg City, Luxembourg.
However, there are several questions […] 2016-06-24 · Evey two years, Eurostat releases a major report on the status of organic farming in the European Union. The analysis focuses on the data of the organic area (fully converted and under conversion), including the relationship between organic area and the total Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA), and on the data of registered organic operators (producers, processors, importers). Ekonomi och finansNationalräkenskaperBNP per capita, köpkraftsjusteradBruttonationalprodukten till marknadsprisStatistik för den offentliga sektornDen offentliga found {{ eurostatSearchData.exportSchedule.index_description.length + eurostatSearchData.exportSchedule.index_explanatoryNotes.length }} matches..
Eurostat's REGIO database is the primary source of data for the ERD and this source is supplemented with data obtained Europa 17/03/2021 Production in construction up by 0.8% in euro area and by 0.9% in EU. In January 2021 compared with December 2020, seasonally adjusted production in the construction sector increased by 0.8% in the euro area and by 0.9% in the EU, according to first estimates from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. ARDECO is the Annual Regional Database of the European Commission's Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy, maintained and updated by the Joint Research Centre.
Population on 1 January by age, sex and NUTS 2 region [Eurostat/demo_r_d2jan] Area by NUTS 3 region
R Tools for Eurostat Open Data: regional data. This rOpenGov R package provides tools to access Eurostat database, which you can also browse on-line for the data sets and documentation.
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Eurostat acronyms: Symbols and abbreviations.
Labels are available in English, French and German languages. The Eurostat database includes a variety of demographic and health indicators. We see, for instance, that overweight varies remarkably across different age groups (Figure2A). Sometimes the data sets require more complicated pre-processing.
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If the automated WIPO IP Statistics Data Center, WIPO, National collection of patent, utility model, addresses (covering regions from selected countries outside the OECD area). Community Innovation Statistics, Eurostat-European Commission, Both fi Jan 27, 2020 EURS (NACE Rev.2) database contains the basic macroeconomic The main source of information are the EUROSTAT regional data sets, Feb 1, 2021 The regions, 100, 100. Mainland Norway, 2.3, 2.5. Østfold (-2019), 2.3, 2.4, 87, 88 .
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Consultar estadísticas oficiales de la UE (PIB por habitante, población total, tasa de desempleo, etc.) y acceder a sondeos del Eurobarómetro. Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union, situated in Luxembourg. Its mission is to be the leading provider of high quality statistics on Europe. It therefore publishes official, harmonised statistics on the European Union (EU) and the euro area which offer an objective portrayal of social and ec Dati online Eurostat Banca dati La banca dati Eurostat offre la possibilità di estrarre tabelle standard con relativi grafici e mappe, mentre con il software Data Explorer si possono creare tavole multidimensionali in diversi formati. Eurostat Database - opdelt i 9 temaer.
The European Regional Database is created by Cambridge Econometrics, based on data from Eurostat, the European Commission's AMECO database (DG ECFIN) and other international sources. The Eurostat Regional Yearbook is at this link. 19/04/2021 Production in construction down by 2.1% in euro area and by 1.6% in EU. In February 2021 compared with January 2021, seasonally adjusted production in the construction sector decreased by 2.1% in the euro area and by 1.6% in the EU, according to first estimates from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. REGIO database A wide range of data at regional level is supplied to Eurostat by Member States and candidate countries, as far as possible according to harmonised methodologies.
'Database' contains the full range of data publicly available at Eurostat. They are presented in multi-dimensional tables with … Eurostat regional yearbook: Flagship publications : preliminary: Regions in Europe — statistics visualised: Interactive publications : preliminary: People on the move: Interactive publications : preliminary This information for the calibration was taken from the EUROSTAT regional database. For our research we only considered European countries, so we removed Israel from the database and kept only those individuals that had a calibration value.